

Overview of the First Japan-Arab Economic Forum

  • TOP
  • Background
  • Outline
  • Entire hedule
  • Summary of Events
  • Evaluation
  • Chair's Summary
  • Main  Praticipants


The Forum was the first public−private economy−oriented event held jointly by the Arab countries and Japan. In addition to economic ministers from each side, it drew approximately 300 participants from the Arab economic world. The large turnout reflected the Arab side's strong wish to establish multi−layered ties with Japan in a wide range of sectors including economy, education, science and technology, and culture.
On the Japanese side, some 900 participants from Japan's business world attended the Forum in a manifestation of Japan's rising interest in the Arab countries, which are rapidly increasing their presence in the global economy. They also contributed to deepening mutual understanding between the public and private sectors in the Arab countries and Japan.
He active exchange of opinions held in the sectoral workshops among prospective business partners, and one−to−one business meetings held between Forum participants, provided new business opportunities to Japanese companies and contributed to bolstering future economic relations between the Arab world and Japan.
The Second Japan−Arab Economic Forum is planned to be held in Tunisia in December 2010. The focus of the second forum will be on assessing how the various sectoral cooperation schemes specified in the Chairman's summary of this Forum have been brought to bear during the period leading up to the next forum and how the Forum has contributed to providing business opportunities to Japanese companies.